The Workshop welcomed the President and CEO of Igoumenitsa Port Authority Mr. Vasilis Diamantis.
After the welcome of the cooperators, began the presentations which discussed the implementation of the environmental management system for each of the three ports, the achievements to date on certifications, as well as future targets for a full harmonization with international practice.
In particular, the Workshop, note the following useful conclusions:
- Further enhancement and strengthening of ties between the Port of Corfu - Igoumenitsa - Sarande
- Dissemination of information through the Environmental Library for environmental actions and practices adopted.
- Exchange of Knowledge and Information - Suggestions for better functioning of the Environmental System and Environmental Library.
- Need foruse of already used environmental indicators and measurements realized in sea water, the gaseous pollutants and noise.
Download the presentations below:
Enviromental information system and library
Igoumenitsa enviromental system
Corfu enviromental prosseses
Enviromental measurements