It is one of the biggest Ro-Ro ports of international transport in the country and the Eastern Mediterranean.
It is the main West Sea gate of Northern Greece and of the Southern Balkans to Western Europe.
It serves mercantile action for Northern Greece, Southern Balkans (mostly Bulgaria and Turkey) as well as the Middle East countries.
The annual traffic of goods, through the port, goes up to 2 million tones with trucks of international transport.
It is an important junction due to the convergence of Egnatia and Ionia Motorways.
It is the beginning point of Egnatia Odos Motorway, which has the port as its starting point, and it is going to be the ‘tank’ of evolution for international transport in Southern Balkans and by extent to the countries of the Black Sea and Asia.
The port of Igoumenitsa is not far from the vertical axes of Egnatia Motorway to Albania-F.Y.R.O.M.
Finally, the exploitation of sea arteries is made possible and most of all, the Adriatic motorway. The comparative benefits of the cost of transport, the speed and the path’s safety as opposed to the road axes through Bulgaria-Romania to the north or via Bulgaria-F.Y.R.O.M-Albania (vice-egnatia), have made the Adriatic Sea Motorway the most important transport axes of Northern Balkans with Europe.
The Igoumenitsa port provides port infrastructure that really promotes combined transports.