LP1 is the main port of Kerkira's Island and it is among the ports of international importance,with special emphasis on strengthening  the development of tourism and commerce in the island of Corfu. LP1 in addition to its passenger and commercial operation, has a very important tourist operation. Also serves the ship lines between–Corfu-Italy and Corfu–Saranda. The dynamic development of the Port of Corfu is closely related to the future development tendencies of the wider area.The Port of Corfu SA is the operator of all port activities and was established in 27/6/2001. It has a total of 10 staff.The organizational structure consists of:Board-President, Managing Director , Manager,Managing Board.The Areas of responsibility consists of the following Departments:Services and Development,Technical Services, Administrative and Financial Servicesand the Offices of Legal Advisor and Internal Auditor.

The Port of Saranda (LP2) is the main port of South East Albania  and operates  as passenger and commercial port.There is a 60 square meters  ships dock for ships and  hydrofoils  coming from Corfu. The  depth of the sea at this point is  3.5 m.  The cruise ships now “anchoring” at the open  sea.During the summer except  the regular line and there are additional daily cruises from Corfu to Saranda  carrying out tourists (up to 500 daily).  The port Terminal at Saranda is a total of 130 square meters, divided into 2 levels. At the lower level, there is the customs-passport control, while at the upper level  is the lobby and the entrance to the terminal.There is no elevator for the handicapped  and elderly passengers.The total staff consists of 47 persons, of which 15 are Office staff, 12 are Security staff and   20 are workers.The EXPANSION PLANS related on the creation of a new 120m expansion of the ship dock and the depth will become 9m.

The new Port of Igoumenitsa was inaugurated on September 19th 2003. It’s located in the southern side of the ground marine belt, outside the city’s urban area, near the village Ladochori. It occupies a total area of 21 hectares from which 13 hectares are harbor area, while 8 hectares have been given for road construction, parking spaces for private cars and trucks, refuelling stations etc. The new Port provides 5 mooring spaces for Ro-Ro ships, of international ferry routes, twelve piers with the ability of simultaneous mooring up to 7 ships with adequate ground space.

As concerns partners experience, it worths mentioning that LP1 and P3 have taken part in several EU programs either on the IPA Adriatic GR-IT, FP7, MED and TEN (Trans European Network).These are α) APC – THE ADRIATIC PORT COMMUNITY,b) FAROS – FOR ADVANCEMENT RESOURCING AND ORGANIZATION OF SEAFARERS,γ) GAIA – GENERALIZED AUTOMATIC EXCHANGE OF PORT INFORMATION AREA d)NETLAM – NETWORK OF THE LOWER ADRIATIC MARINAS e)PELAGOS f)SECINS showing capacity in managing such projects.LP2 has no experience in EU funded programs and is for the first time taking part in EU funded projects.

  • folder cutsmall29 MAY, 2014

    workshop IN SIVOTA - OLIG

    Withsuccess for theWorkshopin the context of cross-border project ELPORTALorganized by Igoumenitsa Port Authority in Sivota, Thesprotia, Greece.
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  • 4 Dec, 2013


    Successfully organized by OLKE SA the Conference within the program EL-PORT-AL  for joint environmental actions of the ports.
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  • 5 DEC, 2013


    During the workshop was analyzed in detail the specific application of the environmental management system for each of the ports.
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  • igoumenitsa exhibition2small18 Dec, 2012


    In major European exhibition on the cruise in the Mediterranean countries, Seatrade Med 2012
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